Today it’s great to welcome Natalie Hancock, paranormal romance author of Eternal Darkness. First Natalie, could you tell me something about your book?
Cursed in Darkness is a vampire paranormal romance series. Eternal Darkness is the first book in the series.It’s about Layla, a half vampire, half human who is sent to live in the hundred acres of land full of vampires for her own safety. The only problem is she hungers for the vampires’ blood, so when she has lessons with them, not only does she struggle with the hunger raging inside of her, but she has to learn to trust those around her, something she can’t do because she has a dark past, and because of it, she has trouble trusting anyone.
She knows she’s in as much danger inside the land as she was when she was outside the land, and she can’t shake off the feeling that something, or someone is watching her, waiting to attack her, despite the guards watching her every move.
Hmmm. . . My dreams? I just had this amazing dream one night, and when I wrote it down, the ideas for a story were just there. I’ve managed to write the first five through dreams, and write the ending for the seventh book too, which was incredibly interesting. I was shocked with how it ended!
What are you working on at the moment?
At the minute, I’m working on Darkness Arising, the sixth book in the Cursed in Darkness Series. A lot has happened since the first one, and while I’m writing it, I get goose bumps from excitement. I can’t wait for everyone to read it.
Fluff is the oldest guinea pig at the age of seven and a half. She’s the Grandma of the other two and is always putting them in their places.
Smudge is the second oldest. We got her when our other guinea pig, Buton, Fluff’s old companion, passed away. I cried when I first saw her. It was the first time I’d cried since finding out about Buton. She is my guinea pig, but so favours Reece. She hates me.
When I’m not looking after my pets, I mostly write, read, listen to loud rock/hardcore music or play/watch games. My life is simple. I put all the excitement in my books.
Do you have any parting comments?
Thank you for interviewing me. I can safely say that it is a lot easier than being interviewed face-to-face. Terrifying stuff there! At least this way, I know I can act like an idiot without worrying what everyone thinks of me.
You can find out more about me by adding me on Facebook, where I have my information there, and talk about my books, Or just ask.
She knows she’s in as much danger inside the land as she was when she was outside the land, and she can’t shake off the feeling that something, or someone is watching her, waiting to attack her, despite the guards watching her every move.
When she meets one of the tutors, she feels things towards him and wants both his blood and his body, but it’s forbidden to feel the way they do and Layla must fight her feelings otherwise the secrets she desperately wants to remain a secret will get out, and put her in more danger than she already is.
What inspired you to write it?Hmmm. . . My dreams? I just had this amazing dream one night, and when I wrote it down, the ideas for a story were just there. I’ve managed to write the first five through dreams, and write the ending for the seventh book too, which was incredibly interesting. I was shocked with how it ended!
What are you working on at the moment?
At the minute, I’m working on Darkness Arising, the sixth book in the Cursed in Darkness Series. A lot has happened since the first one, and while I’m writing it, I get goose bumps from excitement. I can’t wait for everyone to read it.
I believe you own a lot of pets. Could you tell us a bit about them?
Well, we (Reece and I) own three beautiful guinea pigs, Fluff, Smudge, and Squig. A hamster called Crunch and a chinchilla called Hektor.Fluff is the oldest guinea pig at the age of seven and a half. She’s the Grandma of the other two and is always putting them in their places.
Smudge is the second oldest. We got her when our other guinea pig, Buton, Fluff’s old companion, passed away. I cried when I first saw her. It was the first time I’d cried since finding out about Buton. She is my guinea pig, but so favours Reece. She hates me.
Squig is the youngest, she’s not even a year old, but she’s such a pain it’s unbelievable. She’s constantly jumping all over the other two, and tries to steal Fluff’s food, but with no luck. No one steals Fluff’s food.
When Squig walks, she squeaks. It’s hilarious.
Crunch is the only hamster we have. We had two, but Hamster (yes, we named him that) got old and died. Crunch enjoys keeping me awake at night biting the bars of his cage, and ‘trains’ in his wheel for hours on end. He wants to be the greatest hamster there is.
Hektor is just amazing. I don’t have a favourite pet, but if you met him, you would just fall in love with him. He’s not even a year old. He enjoys being scratched behind the ears and loves to talk. A lot. I mean, he talks more than me, and that’s saying something.
When he’s inside his cage, he’s crazy, but when he’s out he’s just insane. He wall jumps, tries to get into Reece’s slippers and is always up to no good. You always have to keep a close eye on him. And that’s a fact.
Apart from looking after your pets, what do you like to do in your free time?When I’m not looking after my pets, I mostly write, read, listen to loud rock/hardcore music or play/watch games. My life is simple. I put all the excitement in my books.
Do you have advice for other authors?
Stay calm and don’t give up. If you’re looking to be published and think your work is good enough, and have worked your butt off writing your books, keep trying to get them out there, because once you do, there is no feeling like having your work out there, knowing that someone, somewhere is reading your work.Do you have any parting comments?
Thank you for interviewing me. I can safely say that it is a lot easier than being interviewed face-to-face. Terrifying stuff there! At least this way, I know I can act like an idiot without worrying what everyone thinks of me.
Where can readers buy your book and find out more about you?
My books can be purchased here: My books can be purchased here:
You can find out more about me by adding me on Facebook, where I have my information there, and talk about my books, Or just ask.
Thank you very much Natalie!
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