Yesterday romance author, Deila Longford, was kind enough to invite me over to her blog to talk about happy-ever-after endings and today it's great to reciprocate by having her over to mine to talk about her life and her beautiful books (don’t you love the book covers!) Over to you, Deila.
I am quite young (twenty-one to be exact) and I know at my tender age I don’t have much life experience, but I try not to let my age affect my writing. I always write from my heart and what I feel readers would like to experience in real life. I like to think that I am quite well-travelled for my age. I have visited many countries around the world, Spain, France, Portugal, Africa, Turkey and of course the USA. I love to travel and to experience new cultures. To see how differently people live, is mind blowing. Travelling is something that I want to do more of. I would love to visit Australia and China. To experience another way of life and to soak up the sun whilst doing it is my dream. We don’t get much sun here in rainy Scotland. As I write this post the rain is pelting against my window. I have recently visited Spain and whilst I was there, I collected inspiration for my new novel, Wilde Velvet. Everything from the people to the food inspired me and now I am having a blast turning that inspiration into a story.
This year
has been hectic and consumed by writing so far, but of course I have still
managed to squeeze in reading a few wonderful novels. My taste in reading varies.
I love everything from Pride and Prejudice to Beautiful Disaster.
There are no limits to what I read. I am currently reading This is a Love Story
by Jessica Thompson. I love it so far and like every book I already love, it
frustrates me in the most wonderful ways. I can’t wait to finish the story and
find out what happens with Nick and Sienna.
As I have
already said I’m not the best at writing blog posts. However, I feel that I
have let you into my world a little and hopefully I have inspired you to check
out my books. I always love to hear from the readers. Without you, there would
be no reason for me to write.
Love Always,
Deila xx
My books are
available on Amazon at:
You can
connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and Pinterest.
Thank you
very much Deila for taking the time to tell me about yourself and your writing - could
you send a bit of that Scottish rain out here to the desert?
I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect! If you would like, follow my blog at