Each morning when I open my emails I never know quite what to expect, but this morning I certainly didn’t except to see that this blog had been awarded ‘The Versatile Blogger’ badge by Taslim at The Finer Things in Life . Thank you very much, Taslim! What a lovely surprise on a Saturday morning.
However, there are a few 'fun' rules that come with this award and these are:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.3. Pass this Award along to 5 recently discovered blogs and let them know about it.
I believe I’ve already done number 1, so now for number 2: seven things about me that not many people know (or at least they didn’t until they read this!):
1. I once met Princess Margaret. She was very short.
2. Stephen Hise likened me to Jessica Alba in his interview with me on Indies Unlimited However, in real life Jessica’s eyes are brown, whereas mine are blue, though in the film, Fantastic Four, she appears to be wearing blue contact lens. Was she trying to copy me? Sadly, I doubt it.
3. I am possibly the only person I’ve ever met (and maybe the only person alive today) who actually likes the play ‘Waiting for Godot’.
4. When I was a child I had ballet lessons and managed to get as far as pointe shoes. They hurt, A LOT. Now I just like to watch it. It’s much less painful that way.
5. When I was 11 years old I won a prize at school for an essay I wrote. The other kids were merciless about it. I didn’t dare write anything else for years after that.
6. I now write romance novels and work full-time as an English teacher. I don’t tell my students or the other teachers that I write romance. I have certainly learnt my lesson from what happened when I was 11.
7. And finally, I love dark chocolate, digestive biscuits.
And here are the 5 blogs that I think deserve to have this award as well. If you don’t know these blogs already, go and pay them a visit!
Heroines with Hearts
Lili Tufel
Wishing everyone a great festive season ahead and thank you again to Taslim for the wonderful award!
Congratulations!!!! That's awesome! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd congratulations to you too!
ReplyDeleteI'm so honored. I have no speech prepared. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Stephen,
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you can come up with something off the cuff!
Oh, I can bring it, Baby! :)
ReplyDeleteI see you managed to come up with something at http://www.indiesunlimited.com/2011/12/10/indies-unlimited-wins-coveted-prize/#more-3073
ReplyDeleteOn behalf of Heroines with Hearts, thank you so much, Katheryn! I'm now liaising with the others as to which week we're going to post the 7 facts about ourselves.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much again, Katheryn!! Here's the link to my blog post:
Hi Paula,
ReplyDeleteHeroines with Hearts is such a great blog! I look forward to reading all your different 7 facts!
Hi Lili,
ReplyDeleteGreat blog post! I've left a comment.
When I was a child I had ballet lessons and managed to get as far as pointe shoes. They hurt, A LOT. Now I just like to watch it. It’s much less painful that way.